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Become a Prayer Partner

The Global Prayer Network was established in 1997 to bring the need of this world and the individual needs of the people to God in prayer. It is part of the Johan Maasbach World Mission Foundation.

The Global Prayer Network is a prayer chain of Christians who have committed themselves to pray for the prayer requests on the prayer list at set times. That way there is prayer 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Every Monday, you’ll receive an e-mail with prayer requests, and once a month an addition with special prayer requests, for example for a certain country. You can also pray for other people in need or for the things you hear in the news et cetera. Whether it is 5 minutes a day or 20 minutes a week, you can help people in need with your prayers.

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A BIG Thank You!

Looking back on our 12-hour marathon: HEART TO HEART on Maasbach Radio, we want to say a big thank you to everybody who helped make this happen. Our special guests who poured out their hearts on live radio and YOU, our faithful listener for being there every step of the way.

If you’ve been blessed by Maasbach Radio, consider sowing a faith seed into this ministry. Click here to donate today and may God bless you for it.

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Newgen Society

Every Friday on Maasbach Radio, you’ll be listening to husband and wife duo: Mayn & Jess, as they touch on topics that are very relevant for our time. How can we live out the Newgen state of mind in our life? How can we be like Joshua & Caleb, who separated themselves from the other spies and in the end… took posession of the promised land?

What is Newgen Society? It is a generation of people that have chosen to take their stand for the truth of the Gospel. To unapologetically choose what is right in the eyes of God and to be held accountable to live out the principles of God’s Word.

‘Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, “We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.”

Numbers 13:30

Tune in every Friday between 10 am and 2 pm to hear more about Newgen Society.

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We are LIVE!

The HEART TO HEART 12-hour marathon has begun! Tune in and more importantly… Join in on the conversation by texting the studio. Use the ‘connect’ button in your Maasbach Radio app or send us a message on social media. We can’t wait to hear from you.

Here’s our special guest line up for today:

  • 8AM – 9AM: Christy Grace
  • 9AM – 10AM: David Maasbach
  • 10AM – 11AM: John T.L. Maasbach
  • 11AM – NOON: Alissa Hathie-Maasbach
  • NOON – 1PM: Bishop James Maina
  • 1PM – 2PM: Sophia Bernadina
  • 2PM – 3PM: Antoneal Reid
  • 3PM – 4PM: Momentum Cast
  • 4PM – 5PM: Mayn & Jess Afriyie
  • 5PM – 6PM: Stephen & Lisa Martis
  • 6PM – 7PM: Orfeo Ost
  • 7PM – 8PM: Gabriel & Reuben Effah
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Win awesome goodies during HEART TO HEART on Valentine’s Day, February 14th.

Tune in to the 12-hour LIVE marathon and hear how you can win! Here’s what we’re giving away:

  • Bestseller: ‘The 5 love languages’
  • Mini devotions: ‘Hope for today’
  • Recipes and farm-fresh devotions in the book: ‘Biscuits, butter and blessings’
  • 3 times a Momentum Theather special for you and your friend! (tune in to hear more about it)

We can’t wait to spend this fun day with you. Tune in from 8AM to 8PM!

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Heart to heart is back!

Get ready for another 12-hour LIVE marathon on Maasbach Radio on February 14th, 2024

From 8AM to 8PM (Amsterdam time), the Maasbach Radio studio will be filled with guests who want to encourage you and pray over you. We can’t wait to spend this special day loving on you.

These are some special friends that will be joining us: Bishop James Maina (Kenya), Stephen & Lisa, Gabriel & Reuben, Pastor Orfeo and many more.

Check out this clip of a conversation we had at Heart to Heart last year and make sure to mark your calendar and tune in on Valentine’s Day!

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Free Prayer Guide

Join us all January long for the month of prayer! Download the free prayer guide below.

God is always the same. The same miracles God has done from Genesis to Malachi, He still does today. Everything Jesus did in the Gospels and the book of Acts, He still does today.

Hebrews 13:8 says: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!”

Go boldly to God, ask and expect GREAT things from Him.

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2024, we are ready for you!

We’re honored that you’d give us the opportunity to encourage you in the new year. And we’re working hard to do that to the best of our ability!

So in 2024 we’ll be introducing you to some new faces and voices, offering you free prayer calendars and sermons, and praying for God to reveal His miracle working power to you in a very real way. Starting with the month of prayer. Get ready for Live Prayer Sessions in the last week of January!

Stay tuned for all new programs, radio hosts and ofcourse uplifting music on your favorite music station from the Netherlands, Maasbach Radio.