mradio website artikel interview

CeCe Winans

Are you going through a valley in your life? Listen to this powerful testimony of sorrow and grief turned into joy and peace.

Maasbach Radio sat down with the one and only CeCe Winans and it turned out to be a powerful conversation about God’s goodness and faithfulness.

“A lot of people think that as believers we don’t go through sorrow, but the beauty in what you just read shows that God is still a loving God.” – CeCe Winans

Listen to this inspiring story and stay tuned for special prayer from CeCe to you!

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A young woman with an amazing voice, a creative mind and a passion to bring Jesus wherever she goes. That’s how Maasbach Radio came to know about Terrian.

Terrian reaches out to her generation with a mixing pot of R&B, Gospel, Christian contemporary and even a little bit of spoken word. Check out this conversation Christy Grace had with Terrian about the times we’re living in and about taking a stand as a Jesus follower.

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Anne Wilson

In 2021 Maasbach Radio first met Anne Wilson through a video call during the pandemic. Three years later, Anne reminisces that moment as one of her favorite interviews ever.

“Our conversation that we had, sticks out to me so much because I just remember you being so encouraging and I honestly was so overwhelmed that day. I remember that interview like it was yesterday”.

Anne tells Maasbach Radio about the career path she would have chosen before she broke through as one of Christian music’s top artists (you WON’T expect this one!) and she also shares about struggles in her career. Did you know that touring artists don’t really get to go to church on Sunday? Anne decided to make a decision in her schedule when she was on the verge of burning out…

Click on the video below to watch this encouraging conversation with our dear friend, Anne Wilson!

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Emerson Day

For soulful singer-songwriter Emerson Day, storytelling came naturally from a young age. She was influenced by the sounds of a southern rock guitar and an old church piano. Growing up on her family’s farm in Southern Maryland, she would sit outside playing guitar and singing for hours. God put a song in her heart long before she ever realized it.

Today, Emerson shares her Miracle Story on Maasbach Radio. God spared her life when she fell 12 foot down and lacerated her liver. Listen to Emerson’s testimony and pray along at the end!

mradio website artikel intervew

Zach Williams

Zach Williams’ powerful and poignant journey spans how a boy with a storybook childhood filled with wonderfully nurturing parents, a strong and supportive grounding in the church, and a warm and loving local community was seduced away by the illusion of rock stardom, and the drug and alcohol excesses that can so often accompany that lifestyle.

Most of all, thanks to his faith, Zach has gone a different way with his life. He’s been blessed with a second chance with a loving family and a fresh start with music. Check out Zach’s beautiful testimony and find out more about his prison ministry in Maasbach Radio’s newest interview!

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Evan Craft

Listen to this story of healing, restoration and hope! Evan Craft shares how the Lord restored his family after his parents divorced when he was 7 years old. God did a mighty miracle in Evan’s life when, after years of infertility, Evan and his wife welcomed a little girl into their family. God is the God of miracles!

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Chandler Moore

Maverick City Music’s leadsinger and songwriter talks to Maasbach Radio about his newest project: his solo album ‘Chandler Moore: Live in Los Angeles’. The top track on this new album ‘Lead me on’ seems to be the theme for Chandler’s life season right now. How do we take steps of obedience into the unknown? That’s what we asked Chandler in this exclusive talk with Maasbach Radio. Check out his encouraging answer and specific prayer for all Maasbach Radio listeners in the video below!

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Orfeo Ost

Pastor Orfeo knows what it’s like to grow up without a father. It felt normal to him as a child and it wasn’t until his teenage years that he realized that he was missing a lot of valuable life skills. Hear Pastor Orfeo testify of how the heavenly Father started working on him and compensating for all those empty places in his life.

Stay tuned for personal prayer at the end of the conversation or skip right to it if that’s what you’re needing today!


LaDonna Osborn

Our dear friend, Bishop LaDonna, has traveled all over the world to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and she always has a timely and profound word for our Maasbach Radio listeners. You might recognize her deep and pleasant voice from our 3-minute of Biblical principles broadcast on Wednesdays.

In this interview Dr. LaDonna shares her personal experience in ministry, which holds so many truths and nuggets for all of us listening!

Bishop LaDonna C. Osborn is President and CEO of Osborn Ministries International, the world missionary organization founded by her parents (T.L. and Daisy Osborn) in 1949. She is Founder and Overseer of the International Gospel Fellowship (of churches and ministries), which includes more than 60 ministries, over 1,000 churches in more than 50 nations globally.

Dr. Osborn’s national and international ministry schedule includes: Mass Miracle Evangelism Festivals, Osborn Gospel Training Seminars, Pastors’ and Leadership Conferences, Women’s and Missions’ Conferences, plus Bible School and Seminary lectures. Her Bible and teaching courses, books and audio/video materials and daily video devotions are distributed or viewed globally.