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A Christmas gift for you

Happy Holidays from Maasbach Radio! Here’s our Christmas gift to you… the free e-book: LEGACY OF FAITH by Johan Maasbach.

Click the image below to download for free!

Johan Maasbach left home at age 17 and enrolled as a cook’s mate on ship sailing to Hamburg. During his years on the sea, he experienced God’s protecting hand and he knew that God called him to preach the Gospel. Read this incredible story of facing the most difficult circumstances of life with supernatural faith. Click the image to download for free.


Free Holiday Devotional

Remember the wonderful things that happened in the past, that will influence your today and impact your tomorrow.

Click here to sign up for free.

  • Remember His love
  • Remember to be thankful
  • Remember Jesus and receive from Him
  • Remember Jesus every day of the new year

It’s going to bring your strength back!

This devotional helps you to ponder on the Word of God every day, for just a few minutes, with a short audio message by Evangelist John T.L. Maasbach through daily emails for 10 days.

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A challenge to serve others?

Join us in this conversation in the Maasbach Radio studio with Christy Grace and Ramona Mats about how easy it can be to serve others.

Take some time to sit down with someone and listen to them. Show some interest in their day, their family. What’s going on in their lives? Just by being there for them you can show them the love of Jesus. Jesus came to serve and that’s what we’re challenging ourselves and all of our listeners to do.

Now who’s up for the challenge?!

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A Faith Injection

What is a faith injection? It is a short message that will give you a boost in your faith. That encourages you to believe in the mighty power of our God.

Listen to this faith injection by Apostle Lovel Bent from England and open up your heart for the Holy Spirit to elevate your faith today.


Free message by John T.L. Maasbach

Listen to this 20-minute message by Evangelist John T.L. Maasbach to start your day:

The Bible talks about the archers that shot Joseph. Archers of envy, jealousy, temptation and false accusation. But Joseph overcame! God is with us and He is well able to bring us the victory and to bring us out without bitterness or hatred in our hearts.

Click here to listen for free on Maasbach’s Message Station.