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Free Prayer Guide

Join us all January long for the month of prayer! Download the free prayer guide below.

God is always the same. The same miracles God has done from Genesis to Malachi, He still does today. Everything Jesus did in the Gospels and the book of Acts, He still does today.

Hebrews 13:8 says: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever!”

Go boldly to God, ask and expect GREAT things from Him.

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2024, we are ready for you!

We’re honored that you’d give us the opportunity to encourage you in the new year. And we’re working hard to do that to the best of our ability!

So in 2024 we’ll be introducing you to some new faces and voices, offering you free prayer calendars and sermons, and praying for God to reveal His miracle working power to you in a very real way. Starting with the month of prayer. Get ready for Live Prayer Sessions in the last week of January!

Stay tuned for all new programs, radio hosts and ofcourse uplifting music on your favorite music station from the Netherlands, Maasbach Radio.

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Chadwick Mohan

Sustained sickness can be hard on the mind. And this is what Pastor Chadwick from India had to endure when he started getting sick because of witchcraft against the church. Listen to this incredible testimony of how God revealed, healed and delivered. Stay tuned for powerful prayer at the end!

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A Christmas gift for you

Happy Holidays from Maasbach Radio! Here’s our Christmas gift to you… the free e-book: LEGACY OF FAITH by Johan Maasbach.

Click the image below to download for free!

Johan Maasbach left home at age 17 and enrolled as a cook’s mate on ship sailing to Hamburg. During his years on the sea, he experienced God’s protecting hand and he knew that God called him to preach the Gospel. Read this incredible story of facing the most difficult circumstances of life with supernatural faith. Click the image to download for free.

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Sinclair + Francis

Godly friendships bring you closer to Jesus. Do you know what that’s like? Maybe you don’t, but you’d like to have a friend like that. Check out this conversation with Sinclair van Dalen and Francis Celestina. They’re friends, co-workers and brothers in Christ. They also want to pray for those that are looking for a godly friendship.

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David Leonard

Along with being a husband and father, David Leonard can easily say his other love and passion is his work. “I have fallen in love with the community around me and am honored to be a part of it. I feel blessed that I get to help artists and songwriters craft beautiful things, and I feel blessed that I get to share what God is doing in my life through my own songs. For me, music has always been about creating environments for people to experience God in a brand new way. That’s my hope now, that when you turn the songs on in your car or we’re at a night of worship, or anywhere you’re listening, you feel like you get to experience God. It’s my prayer that I continue to carry that spirit of ushering in that presence of what He does.”